According to Nutrition Made Clear by Roberta Anding, a king-sized package of M&M's has as many calories as five apples. So, somebody looking for a sweet snack could choose either a low-calorie, high fiber, yummy apple, or they can choose high-calorie M&M's. Anding points out that five apples would be too filling for anybody to eat all at once, but a person can easily down a package of M&M's in one sitting. I'd try this experiment myself and report back to you, but I think I'd get sick.
Alternative Treats: If you're worried about handing out too much sugar at trick-or-treat time, try fruit instead. Apples aren't your best option for unknown trick-or-treaters, but they are great for events or parties where nobody's going to accuse you of anything nefarious. For other trick-or-treat ideas, check out this Green Halloween list, which includes treats and treasures like boxed raisins, fake jewels, and temporary tattoos. (Remember to check ingredient labels--even organic treats can contain lots of sugar!)
This post is part of the Green Halloween Blog Carnival. Head on over to the carnival for lots of great tips for putting a little green in your Halloween!
Cold, hard cash is another way to avoid candy overload. Fill a bowl with lots of pennies and assorted other coins. Give a trick-or-treater a knife to scoop coins. Each child can keep one knife-ful of money.