

Candy melted during a recent candy experiment session.  We have a melted Zotz (top left), a melted Milky Way (top right), a blue M&M (left), a caramel apple lollipop (top center) a yellow Valentine's SweetHeart, melted Starburst and Laffy Taffy (left), and Pixy Stix (bottom right).  The Pixy Stix appeared unmelted at first glance, but when we poked them we found that many of the grains had melted together into a blob.

As one girl put it, looking at the melted candy puddles, "The heart's the winner!"


  1. Yes, in the oven. I set the temperature to about 250 degrees (F) and left them in for about twenty minutes, pulling them out every now and then to show the kids.

    I melt candy in the microwave too, but usually only a few at a time.

  2. My son said that melted M&M's smell like brownies but just taste burned!

    We thought the way Smarties melted was interesting - the dye doesn't seem to be soluble.

  3. One reader reminded me about the danger of exploding Jawbreakers as seen on Mythbusters ( She's right--since jawbreakers are made from many layers, it's possible for some layers to be melted even when the candy seems solid, and the candy can explode under pressure

    In general, ALL hot candy is dangerous, since it can get much hotter than boiling water. So watch kids carefully, and don't touch the hot candy.


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